It was Friday morning, one of those mornings when you pop out of bed and want everything to to go perfectly because today, Friday, we were having a baptism, the baptism of Margarito.
The day before, a hurricane came by and the streets flooded into rivers, and the rivers into some houses. The water again up to our knees, we could get hardly anything done.
Elder Lara, the district leader, called me and said, "Is is raining down there?" If only the phase "it is raining cats and dogs" existed in Spanish, I definitely would have used it. At that moment we were taking cover in the church practicing piano like good little boys, trying to be productive.
If you are thinking it, yes we asked people if they would like our help and as always they refused. (Weird) Who would refuse two stripling warriors like Elder Nelson and I? I guess they would.
In that same phone call he asked if we were sure about the interview the next morning. Yes, because the worth of a soul is great in the sight of God. Even if another Hurricane is least that is what they said.
Back to Friday, studies took a little longer then usual and the window was open the whole time. And guess what folks? Annie sang, the sun did come out! And it stayed that way all day long!
Elder Lara and his companion arrived right on time at 11 am for the interview. It was hard getting down to Margaritos house because it was so muddy. We got there walked in and like every other missionaries nightmare he wasn't home.
We waited ten minutes and his mom went to find him.
20 minutes later here come Mom and Dad....but NO MARGARITO!
¿Que tiene? (What do you have) "¡Tortuga!" he replied. Oh, this is my favorite meat. I jump out of my chair to look inside the bucket. Sorry Stacie and Jodie but it looked like Finding Nemo gone wrong.
"how much was it my friend?" (He speaks a little English and you have to use their accent it makes it all the more fun.) "230 pesos" "Were did you get that money?" "Top secret"
Who knows where he got the money, but hey it was delicious.
Finally, Margarito showed up and passed the interview with flying colors. (Oh course he did, he had the best stripling warrior, pond leaping, song singing, taco eating misisonaries as teachers.)
I invited his family to the baptism that night and Eric gave me a hard time and Diana said she would try her best.
6 pm that night we pass by, Eric is naked under a blanket and says he is sick, Diana says she has to tend to her grandma.
So we helped Margarito get ready and we left for the church. Kind of sad his parents didn't want to come to their sons baptism.
Well, I was actually planning for the best and the worst. That is why we had the baptism right in the middle of Branch Family home evening. My plan working out perfectly and everyone was there waiting for us at the church.
"¿Que hora es Elder Chadwick? Como 8!" said Hermana Gonzalez. It was actually 6 30. I guess you can't start without the missionaries. ha ha.
After Changing and taking pictures I rounded everyone up and we all fit perfectly into the Relief Society room. I count 45 persons. That was probably more than my baptism. (Ok, I really can't remember.)
Anyway, the service went great. I baptized Margarito. Before we could walk out of the font he dipped himself in again and said that it feels really good. While changing he ran and got his sandals, they had some dirt on them, he acted like he was running to the bath room but turned to the font. Before I could say anything he was rinsing them off in the Font. We ended the service with Families can be Together Forever. (Probably not the right hymn to sing without his family...) And everyone shook his hand and a Hermana brought candy. What a bonus!
So there you go, my hurricane baptism adventure
Love Elder Chadwick.
Water adventure of last week update. This was the photo of him up to his knees in water.
I asked him if he was wearing shoes when he was in all that water last week and this is his response. "ha ha. We were the first time, it was actually worse. We went and got our cameras and then came back and took pictures while our shoes were drying by wimpy fans." There you have it. If you can't get the photo op at first, try, try again. This time with no shoes.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Monday, September 19, 2011
What an amazing week...again so much to say so little time.
This last Thursday was the Mexican Independence day so we had to be in our house at 8 pm.
On the bright side, the branch had a huge fiesta with lots of food. (Here are some of the pictures)
It is raining alot off an on this last couple weeks as you can see. lol
We worked really hard this week and I think we have the best numbers in the mission.
25 new investigators, 19 lessons with member, reactivated two families and had five people come to church. Lots of double digits. LOVE IT!
We are baptizing two people this next week, please pray hard that everything will run smoothly and nothing comes up. Their names are Margarito y Stefani
This is probably the hardest I have worked this last week and I feel really good. We are going to have the same numbers this next week. A lot of people to keep track of but it is alright we are going to to our part and I trust the Lord will fill in the rest.
I am now teaching Gospel Doctrine, New Testament, I love the class. Marta, she is a teacher, one of our investigators was really into the class this Sunday, asking questions and commenting like she has five years as a member.
We were talking about Romans and our Divine Potential as Sons and Daughters of God and she just ate it up and is now applying it. Love that. So good!
I am playing the piano every Sunday in church and it is great. I am getting better at the hymns and can play a couple out of the regular hymn book.
I got my package and love it. Can you send another gospel art book please? That is the only thing I can't get down here. You can go online and buy it and just send it to the offices.
I have used the book for almost all my lessons this last week. We really worked hard. I am ready for another full week. I am going to buy some things for the Primary that they need. I will not go overboard, I have a list they gave me. It is not much.
The members are the same around the world. There are things people won't do just because their heart is not into the work.
I am going to buy the blow dryer. (this is for his nagging yeast infection that he has under his arms and on his legs.)
This is what I do,
Pick up people for church
Play piano
Give talk
Teach class
Surprisingly teach Priesthood
Get food list
Report Numbers at 1:15 on the dot
make visits
Eat Shrimp that I am allergic too.
blame mom for making a boy that is allergic to shrimp. It cramps up my throat, I could barely speak last night. it was bad, bad shrimpy.
(Editor's note: I am allergic to shrimp but we never knew that DJ was until now. I told him to stop eating them. This was his response.)
I will tell them. They get really offended when we don't like something or when we get sick. It is really hard. ha ha. but hey only for another 14 months. I have ten months away from my mommy
Time is ya
Traffic looks bad
good thing I am on foot
ha ha
did I say that I love you???
The package was perfect btw
Elder Chadwick
Monday, September 12, 2011
Elder Chadwick is second row second seat in on the right. His companion is sitting by the isle. Click on the photo to enlarge it and you will see him up close.
I have so much to say but so little time.
The week started off great with a district meeting lead by Elder Lara. Tuesday and what seemed like the whole week it rained really hard. It kind of makes it hard to work because no one is out on the streets but that is ok. This week Elder Lara came to our area to see how it was doing.
This is what he suggested that we work on, weekly meetings with President Diaz. We are going to get right on that. I am excited to try out a couple of things. Elder Lara has two more changes and he is out of here. He is extending his mission though so he will get home right before Christmas. He asked a lot of questions of the soul to our investigators and was really good at digging stuff out of them. He taught alot out of the New Testament which I want to do more. I am almost half way done with it.
Elder Lara also helped me teach FHE to the whole branch. We taught about David and Goliath. It was fun. After Divisions we went straight to Zihaut to wait for our grand adventure to Cuernavaca. We left at 11 o'clock at night. (Let me tell you, Alvin and the Chipmunks 2 is so much funnier in Spanish) I sat up in the middle of the night to the bus moving to the other side of the road.....he was dodging two drunk ladies. I got a kick out of that. DON'T DRINK!
Upon arriving at 7:30 in the morning we hopped in a taxi and headed to the church.
(another crazy taxi ride.) When we arrived at the church it was great to see alot of the people at the church I had not seen in four months including Elder Oswald my MTC companion. We were all seated at 8:30 when Pres. Spannaus came in and instructed us. He told us he was going out to get Elder Ballard when two seconds later guess who walks in...Elder Ballard. He brought with him Elder Jensen of the presidency of the seventy and two other members of the seventy. What a pleasure....
Elder Ballard wanted to shake everyones hand so we did the merry go round and yeah shook their hands.
I finally got up to shake his hand, took my retainer out and put on my best smile. "Elder Chadwick, how are ya?" ask Elder Ballard. "Fantastic, thank you" I replied. That is what an apostle of the Lord said to me. Well after the Elders sang a barber shop quartet of "I am trying to be like Jesus" in Spanish and toward the end in English. After the meeting Elder Ballard said "Wait, we are not done. These three singers are the best. Lets put them on the circuit to sing around the world in two years"
So, after the musical number two of the members of the seventy bore their testimonies about missionary work and then Elder Jensen was up to bat. (Personally, I think then church bought Ipads for all the members of the seventy because I have seen three of them use them in the stake and mission conferences.) He started out his talk by talking about hymns and how we should sing more to our investigators to bring them the spirit. He made a great comparison about harmony and the TAB Choir to companionship harmony. Pretty sweet.
He went on after that and said "Ask and he will fill us with the pure love of Christ."
He then talked about the spirit of our investigators along with ours.
How much did our spirits know before we came to the earth? he asked us....???
He then made a list of things to help us get more converts.
1. A Vision
2. Attributes of Christ
a. Obedience
b. dignity
c. good health
3.Plan Effectively
(He then drew this funnel thing and but three circles in the funnel. 32 New Investigators, 15 in teaching, 7 with a date and finally two converts.)
4. Positive constant contacting
(He then asked what is a positive contact. Well, the first thing that came to my head was smile and so I said it out loud. He happened to hear me and said "Elder, stand up and speak a little louder please" so I stood up "We need to smile, necesitamos tener una sonrisa" pointing to my smile. ((Elder Ballard got a little kick out of that and was laughing a little))
5. Assistance in the Church
6 No eternal investigators
7 Two references daily
8 Work with ward mission leader
9 "Sweet boldness"
He talked about being bold with our investigators and telling the truth straight up.
Then Elder Ballard stepped up to the pulpit and oh what a talk and a half he gave.
He started out telling us about being an apostle, how he is a missionary like us and people ask him alot of questions.
One Catholic Priest asked him "Do you put magic dust in their cereal to make them go on missions when they are so young?" he responded "No, they go on missions because they know the church is true"
He then talked about the joys of sitting in between Elder Oaks and Scott. He said almost half of the twelve are turning 80 this year so sometimes he has to give his companions a little bump to keep them awake. ha ha.
Next, he said "You know what, the Elder that said we need to smile more is absolutely correct." That is when I made a real connection with Elder Ballard. He was looking me straight in the eyes (just as his wife taught him) and thank goodness I was smiling. "I just love to smile and laugh and so that is what I would do." Through the meeting Elder Ballard would crack a joke and I would be the only one laughing. Everyone was so serious around him. He even told everyone to lighten up a bit and he had us do head, shoulders, knees and toes half way through.
Here are some of the quotes from him.
*"conversion begins when the people feel something, not really when they know something is true."
*"If you talk to more people you will baptize more people." he then committed us to talk to ten people a day. (Which I have heard this from him before...but not live)
*"Treasure up the gospel and the scriptures in you heart so you can teach with your own words. I have talked in news conferences, on TV and in front of Universities, and I have no fear, Why? Because I know the gospel..."
After a missionary asked about trying not to make someone feel bad this was Elder Ballard's response. " Don't worry about making them feel bad, just do it with a smile on you face and you will be fine." I really got a good kick out of that one.
It was a great mission conference. I really enjoyed it and will try to apply everything in my mission and the rest of my life.
Towards the end of his talk I had a weird impression. I thought to my self..."I think this man made my mission call..." Not two seconds later he said "Every Friday we make 240 mission calls. I know for sure I made some of yours." WOW that was sweet. I have not had that happen before. Now I am 90 percent sure he made my call just be the interactions I made with him and the way I felt the spirit on Saturday. I am thankful for Elder Ballard. He changed my life.
We are having a Pancake/FHE night with the primary president on Wed. I will ask her if she needs anything.
I don't really need anything right now. Send more stuffing and mash potatoes. and of course spaghetti Os.
have to go.
Love ya.
Elder Chadwick
Letter from President Spannus after the conference. We had to use google Translator to see what he said. It's interesting.
My dear missionaries
What a wonderful conference we had and what a privilege it was to hear, feel and shake hands with a quorum of the twelve apostles of the Lord, Elder Ballard. Never forget this historic day in our mission and our lives.
I'd like you to share with me your thoughts and feelings about it. The next Monday I'll send mine. I send you a hug, work hard, we have to baptized more. September baptisms are very low, I feel that we have blurred(?)a bit. Now with all this spiritual strength that we have received, we will do our work better and more consistently.
A big hug, that the Lord bless you!
President Spannus
Monday, September 5, 2011
Well, my friends and family,
This weekend was great.
Testimony meeting was fantastic as always and the hermanas had a couple curve balls to throw at me this Sunday in Principios de Evangelio. (Gospel Principals)
I started teaching about temple marriage and how one could not obtain Celestial Glory without obtain all the ordinances of the temple.
Then they started drilling me with questions...."If I am married to a person civiley and do not really love them can I look for someone that I can be with for eternity in the next life?"
Interesting, no?
Let me tell you, Satan is really working in this area right now. Three hermanas want to get a divorce right now...and they do have really good reasons.
It seems to always be the mans fault....well that is not what is says in the Ensign this month about eternal familias.
You should have seen the chalk board after the was crazy. I outlined the plan of salvation and Elder Nelson hopped up and drew the Restoration on the board over it.
I started heading into Priesthood when someone told me Presidente Diaz wanted to see me in his office. I went in and was ready to hear that I would teach the next class too. I was right. I went back and Elder Nelson said he would teach it with a little bit of my help. I stalled while he prepared the lesson and off we went.
Elder Nelson and I are like peas and carrots. We can basically read each others mind.
We worked really hard this week and had ten lessons with members. That is the great thing about being in a area for a while, I know everyone town and have taught almost everyone.
It is funny, we will be walking down the street and some random person will call my name or whistle and Elder Nelson is always like "Elder, how do you know that many people?"
"Well, my friend, isn't it about....time." ha ha.
We have had alot of miracles this last week. We went to pass by Eric's house, he is a borracho (drunk) that speaks English, to see if his family was interested in hearing our message.
One of his kids wanted to and so we have now taught him two lessons. He woke up at 6:30 in the morning to wait for us to come get him at 9 to go to church.
This kid is just amazing. He was asking really good questions during sacrament meeting and was just wandering around wide eyed asking questions. He is 10 btw.
We over heard him talking to the other kids and he said "Guess what?! I am getting baptized on the 17th!" And then he proceeded to invite people to his baptism, young and old.
Hermana Reyes brought a friend of hers and she is really interested to hear our message and learn more about the gospel. All the hermanas want to go with us to teach her.
Even though it rained cats and dogs this last week we had the best statistics in the district. We are going to baptize three people the following week.
Elder Ballard is coming to town this week and I am excited the only downside is that we have to leave Friday night, ride the bus all night, get off bus, go to conference, work, get on bus, go back home and then go to church. hopefully I get some sleep. Please pray that all the missionaries have safe travel.
Elder Lara and Elder Wood got robbed on the bus last week. (They laugh about it so I have permission to laugh)
Apparently two men came onto he bus with guns and started asking for wallets and backpacks. Elder Wood took everything out of his pockets (His wallet with like $380) and gave them his scripture bag.
Elder Lara only gave them his bag. he was smart not to pull out his wallet.
Oh the places we will one really knows....
Elder Nelson is in Cuernavaca right now because he has problems with his visa. He is bringing the package back with him.
The Comer had my pancake mix so now I can have pancakes. I am excited. It will last me the rest of this change.
I received the DearElders and hoping all the lyrics I received have a CD to go with them in the package.
I am almost up to my goal of push ups. (Beware Jordan, your older brother is preparing for battle....) not that we are competing or anything....
I am addicted to the Book of Mormon....hold that thought...
I also need: Three more mini Books of Mormon. If you can find a couple in Spanish that are that small that would be great. They are willing to pay us back. (The people who are asking for them speak English)
Anyway, I read like half the book of Mormon this week and have the perfect schedule going on so I can read all the standard works before the year ends.
It has been almost a year that I have been out. Wow!
We are going to eat at a school, all you can eat. OH YEAH!
I am so happy we are going to baptize. It has been four months.
Sorry the email was a little hazy. (couldnot think of another palabra/word)
I am fluent now btw and I am loving it. I can express myself and be myself and throw jokes in the conversation now.
My feet have not hurt for two months. We bought Elder Nelson the same shoes.
He loves them.
I sent President Spannaus the "If Dr. Suess wrote the Book of Mormon". He called me laughing his Argentina head off.
I am happy and content.
I am thinking of extending my mission. Just a heads up.
I loved the Janice Kapp Perry article.
Got to eat.
Love ya.
Elder SUPER Chadwick
If Dr. Seuss wrote the Book of Mormon
Of goodly parents I was born
I've never drunk, I've never sworn
This is Lehi, he's my dad
Laman, Lemuel, they are bad
And who is this? Why this is Sam.
Yes, this is Sam; Sam I am
That Sam I am, that Sam I am
I do not like that Sam I am
In a tent, my father dwelt
And it's so hot, I think I'll melt
Our father's brain is out of whack
Yeah, it's too hot, I'm going back
Then go and get the plates, my dear
On second thought, I'm staying here
You said you'd leave and go away
Now all you want to do is stay?
That Nephi always gets his way
Here we are in this damp cave
We would not be here if you'd behave
I will go and I will do
There's the angel, that's my cue
Laban's had too much to drink
Now he'll lose his head, I think
Look what I found, a brother from the quorum
We will take him home, we will call him Zoram
Our gold and silver we have spent
I do not like it in this tent
I cannot read the Liahona
I must have drunk too much Corona
We hate it here, we have no lives
Then go back to the city and get some wives
A tree, a tree, I see a tree!!
The fruit is white, the fruit is free!
A floating building, could it be?
Why do they laugh and stare at me?
Laman, Lemuel, come and see!
We will not eat your precious fruit
We will not wear a tie and suit
We will not help you build your boat
We do not think that it will float
No not this boat, it will not float
Not even in a shallow moat
I do not care what Nephi wrote
We will not eat your fruit I say
We will not eat it on a tray
And we won't eat it in a tent
Not even if your clothes you rent
We'd rather have a can of spam
We will not eat it, Sam I am
You do not like it, so you say
Try it, try it, and you may
Try it and you may I say
Sam, if you will let us be,
We will try it, you will see
Say, we like this fruit of life
Sorry that we caused such strife
You've saved us from an awful jam
Thank you, thank you, Sam I am!
This weekend was great.
Testimony meeting was fantastic as always and the hermanas had a couple curve balls to throw at me this Sunday in Principios de Evangelio. (Gospel Principals)
I started teaching about temple marriage and how one could not obtain Celestial Glory without obtain all the ordinances of the temple.
Then they started drilling me with questions...."If I am married to a person civiley and do not really love them can I look for someone that I can be with for eternity in the next life?"
Interesting, no?
Let me tell you, Satan is really working in this area right now. Three hermanas want to get a divorce right now...and they do have really good reasons.
It seems to always be the mans fault....well that is not what is says in the Ensign this month about eternal familias.
You should have seen the chalk board after the was crazy. I outlined the plan of salvation and Elder Nelson hopped up and drew the Restoration on the board over it.
I started heading into Priesthood when someone told me Presidente Diaz wanted to see me in his office. I went in and was ready to hear that I would teach the next class too. I was right. I went back and Elder Nelson said he would teach it with a little bit of my help. I stalled while he prepared the lesson and off we went.
Elder Nelson and I are like peas and carrots. We can basically read each others mind.
We worked really hard this week and had ten lessons with members. That is the great thing about being in a area for a while, I know everyone town and have taught almost everyone.
It is funny, we will be walking down the street and some random person will call my name or whistle and Elder Nelson is always like "Elder, how do you know that many people?"
"Well, my friend, isn't it about....time." ha ha.
We have had alot of miracles this last week. We went to pass by Eric's house, he is a borracho (drunk) that speaks English, to see if his family was interested in hearing our message.
One of his kids wanted to and so we have now taught him two lessons. He woke up at 6:30 in the morning to wait for us to come get him at 9 to go to church.
This kid is just amazing. He was asking really good questions during sacrament meeting and was just wandering around wide eyed asking questions. He is 10 btw.
We over heard him talking to the other kids and he said "Guess what?! I am getting baptized on the 17th!" And then he proceeded to invite people to his baptism, young and old.
Hermana Reyes brought a friend of hers and she is really interested to hear our message and learn more about the gospel. All the hermanas want to go with us to teach her.
Even though it rained cats and dogs this last week we had the best statistics in the district. We are going to baptize three people the following week.
Elder Ballard is coming to town this week and I am excited the only downside is that we have to leave Friday night, ride the bus all night, get off bus, go to conference, work, get on bus, go back home and then go to church. hopefully I get some sleep. Please pray that all the missionaries have safe travel.
Elder Lara and Elder Wood got robbed on the bus last week. (They laugh about it so I have permission to laugh)
Apparently two men came onto he bus with guns and started asking for wallets and backpacks. Elder Wood took everything out of his pockets (His wallet with like $380) and gave them his scripture bag.
Elder Lara only gave them his bag. he was smart not to pull out his wallet.
Oh the places we will one really knows....
Elder Nelson is in Cuernavaca right now because he has problems with his visa. He is bringing the package back with him.
The Comer had my pancake mix so now I can have pancakes. I am excited. It will last me the rest of this change.
I received the DearElders and hoping all the lyrics I received have a CD to go with them in the package.
I am almost up to my goal of push ups. (Beware Jordan, your older brother is preparing for battle....) not that we are competing or anything....
I am addicted to the Book of Mormon....hold that thought...
I also need: Three more mini Books of Mormon. If you can find a couple in Spanish that are that small that would be great. They are willing to pay us back. (The people who are asking for them speak English)
Anyway, I read like half the book of Mormon this week and have the perfect schedule going on so I can read all the standard works before the year ends.
It has been almost a year that I have been out. Wow!
We are going to eat at a school, all you can eat. OH YEAH!
I am so happy we are going to baptize. It has been four months.
Sorry the email was a little hazy. (couldnot think of another palabra/word)
I am fluent now btw and I am loving it. I can express myself and be myself and throw jokes in the conversation now.
My feet have not hurt for two months. We bought Elder Nelson the same shoes.
He loves them.
I sent President Spannaus the "If Dr. Suess wrote the Book of Mormon". He called me laughing his Argentina head off.
I am happy and content.
I am thinking of extending my mission. Just a heads up.
I loved the Janice Kapp Perry article.
Got to eat.
Love ya.
Elder SUPER Chadwick
If Dr. Seuss wrote the Book of Mormon
Of goodly parents I was born
I've never drunk, I've never sworn
This is Lehi, he's my dad
Laman, Lemuel, they are bad
And who is this? Why this is Sam.
Yes, this is Sam; Sam I am
That Sam I am, that Sam I am
I do not like that Sam I am
In a tent, my father dwelt
And it's so hot, I think I'll melt
Our father's brain is out of whack
Yeah, it's too hot, I'm going back
Then go and get the plates, my dear
On second thought, I'm staying here
You said you'd leave and go away
Now all you want to do is stay?
That Nephi always gets his way
Here we are in this damp cave
We would not be here if you'd behave
I will go and I will do
There's the angel, that's my cue
Laban's had too much to drink
Now he'll lose his head, I think
Look what I found, a brother from the quorum
We will take him home, we will call him Zoram
Our gold and silver we have spent
I do not like it in this tent
I cannot read the Liahona
I must have drunk too much Corona
We hate it here, we have no lives
Then go back to the city and get some wives
A tree, a tree, I see a tree!!
The fruit is white, the fruit is free!
A floating building, could it be?
Why do they laugh and stare at me?
Laman, Lemuel, come and see!
We will not eat your precious fruit
We will not wear a tie and suit
We will not help you build your boat
We do not think that it will float
No not this boat, it will not float
Not even in a shallow moat
I do not care what Nephi wrote
We will not eat your fruit I say
We will not eat it on a tray
And we won't eat it in a tent
Not even if your clothes you rent
We'd rather have a can of spam
We will not eat it, Sam I am
You do not like it, so you say
Try it, try it, and you may
Try it and you may I say
Sam, if you will let us be,
We will try it, you will see
Say, we like this fruit of life
Sorry that we caused such strife
You've saved us from an awful jam
Thank you, thank you, Sam I am!
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