Hey Dad,
The earthquake was fun. We were in district meeting in the church. We ran outside and were surfing on the basketball court.
There were alot of aftershocks. There was not much to clean up. There is a rumor that there is a volcano that is going to explode.
We will see....I know God will protect us.
This week was....helping change the the rebellious children of Mexico week. We receive two references asking us to come and change their kids lives so they don't rebel.
I think is it pretty cool you are doing the basement. I wish I was there to help and to learn how to do it.
We are working really hard. We had 8 new investigators come to church yesterday. It was awesome.
Brother Omar and his wife went to Utah last week for Vacation. It was funny because I was talking to him last night. He said he was in Provo that morning and saw "The Hunger Games" at the Thanksgiving Point Theatre. The next time he goes you can go have lunch or dinner with him. Mom would enjoy that. He speaks really good English. (it is his job)
Well, I don't have really much else to say. My new district leader is a pain, has less time than me and keeps asking me where my faith is because we put a goal of 4 in march and baptized 8. So when we put a goal of 5 for next month he asked if it was a goal of faith. I asked him if we were talking about the faith to move mountains and if we were I was going to put a goal of ten or twenty. Lets just say we stuck with five.
I am loving life. We are going to a funeral today. Yes, on our P day. What a sacrifice. I hope there is food.
Well, have a wonderful day.
Love ya
Elder Chadwick
Editor's note: This e-mail is a letter to Elder Chadwick's sister Stacie. She is doing a devotional for seminary and needed some words from her brother. Below is his response.
Dear Little Brothers and Sisters,
My name is Elder Chadwick, I am serving in the Mexico Cuarnavaca Mission. It is such a pleasure to be a missionary, especially in a different country like Mexico.
My sister Stacie has asked what the blessings of missionary service are.... I am happy to tell you.
First, being in a missionary is not easy. It takes a lot of discipline to do what we do.
Every person we meet has a different problem or personality. This is a blessing because we have the blessing of using the gift of the Holy Ghost to discern what the people need. We teach and testify of the Atonement of Jesus Christ and how, through Him anything is possible. The change we see when people accept the gospel and have a new glow about them is a blessing to me.
In November we found a family of four, we taught them and they changed their lives fast. Now they are reading the scriptures every night as a family, getting ready to do baptisms for the dead for their ancestors, and the Father of the family blessed the sacrament for the first time on Sunday. This family is also doing missionary work by bringing their extended family to church.
The more we serve others the more we are connected with Heaven. Our Heavenly Father is waiting to pour blessings on us, let us "go and do". There is nothing more satisfying than seeing people smile and say thank you.
I testify that the Savior, Jesus Christ is the best example of missionary work. If we follow His example we will be blessed and one day return to live with Him. Going on a mission is one of the ways we can step into the Saviors shoes
and do as He did. I hope that you, my brothers and sisters, will be missionaries now, you can do it. You all know how, just step outside your comfort zone and follow the Guide that was given to us for this reason.
I promise, in the name of Jesus Christ, that if you do these things the Lord will work through you and you will see the change in the peoples lives around you.
Always remember, CTR.
In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Elder Chadwick
Pictures of Elder Romero's birthday!
Letter to Jodie
She had asked Elder Chadwick how to pray in Spanish because she is taking Spanish now. Below is what he said in Spanish and then the translation.
Orando es como un sandwich, pan arriba es Nuestro Padre Celestral, pan abajo es "En el nombre de Jesucristo." con la palabra "Amen.
Entre de este dos pasos puede poner todas las cosas que salga de su corazon.
1. Padre Celestial
2. Te doy gracias por....._______. (Familia, amigos, comida, hermanos, Elder Chadwick....etc.)
3. Te pido por..._____.(La salud, la guia de el espiritu santo, todo los misioneros en el campo misional, el profeta, mis padres...etc.)
4. En el nombre de Jesucristo. Amen.
Praying is like a sandwich, bread is Our Father Celestial up, bottom bread is "In the name of Jesus Christ." with the word "Amen.
Between these two steps you can pour out of your heart.
1. Heavenly father
2. I thank thee for ..... _______. (Family, friends, food, brothers, Elder Chadwick .... etc.)
3. I pray for ... _____. (Health, the guidance of the holy spirit, all the missionaries in the mission field, the prophet, my parents ... etc.)
4. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.