Cool Building
Mexican Flag
Huge Christmas tree with Coca Cola ornaments
Chadwick Nook for studying. Note the hammock rope above study area
Here are the pictures of the week, well today. The picture of my study area is cool. The Chadwick Nook.
Anyway, I was laying in bed one night thinking about how I came to know Christ. And this popped into my mind like Twilight bit Stephenie Meyer in the neck.
(Btw, this is all ya alls Christmas present. My present to the world, not as cool as the First Presidency but it is personal and from my heart.)
Spotlighting Christ
By Elder Daryl James Chadwick
Black dark stage of the mind
Waiting for illumination
From One everyone can find
If we give Him our imagination
One spotlight from above
Reveals His robe of Glory
Light cascades down like a dove
Parts of His life we see more fully
Two more radiant beams
The feet of a Prince appear
Holes taking the gleam
Ones fear starts to disappear
His hands, how grand
Rough from creating a kingdom
That is part of Fathers plan
Taking in heaven a commanders podium
The voice of racing waters
Everything staying still
Awaiting a simple utter from the Masters
A beard white as snow
The hair restored
At the meridian of time
Our faith starts to grow
As we wipe of the grime from our eyes
The stage almost a light
Caught on the edge of our seats
All coming in so bright
Tonight nothing to eat
Just feasting on the Light
Clearing the Cerebrum
Downloading the image of Christ
What a great Celebration
A seed of desire is planted
To be like Him
Who was dead, now resurrected
Allowing us to obtain this premium
Now to become like Jesus
Our mind starts to ponder
How to fix this mortal crisis
I know, through His Atoning Power
Let us apply this to our lives
Stepping in His sandals
Winning the Prize
Lighting all the Candles
This is spotlighting Christ
Doing what He would do
Paying the price
We are part of His Eternal Crew
This week was great. We watched the broadcast yesterday night. It was fantastic.
I love the new videos.
Sorry there is not much this week.
I was emailing my Brother.
Learned alot.
Everything is preach bright.
Internet time was great because they played a remix of a Jack Johnson song.
yeah, Elder Robb would be jealous.
Love you all
Elder Chadwick
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