Well, I am on the Internet and have not received my new companion yet. His name is Elder Nelson. I know he is from the US. That is all I know.
It is raining right now, that is good because it was a really hot week.
Belinda, our star investigator is now in the US. Bye Bye Belinda. I will pass you her phone number next week. (This is so you can check if she is going to church and help answer her questions! Go MISSIONARY MOM!)
Here are the things I need before I forget:
Pictures of the house. Inside, outside, backyard
Pictures of my baptism
And a nicer picture of the family.
5-10 copies of my pictures in that are on my blog.
That is all I need for now. People ask alot of questions and they want to see pictures.
Back to the week, so Zone Conference was GREAT! They celebrated my birthday and I received a new note book with the mission name on it and a candy. Yeah!
The first half of the conference was on OBEDIENCE. Something that I have been really working on. They cracked the whip and now we can not go on lds.org or mormon.org.
If we want to print of a talk we have to email president or our parents and they will email it to us. So we can only use myldsmail.net. So more stories will come your way.
They also talked about girls and not emailing them and not touching them. If there is a young mother home alone we can not teach her now, same with lunch. If the kids are home we can go through the gate and eat like humans. If not we have to take the food at the gate. It is for our protection, we don't have a problem with it here.
So we are reading the Libro de Mormon as a mission. We are all marking the references of Christ in one color. I have learned alot about the Savior so far from this and He is literally everywhere....we just have to find him. It is like "Where's Waldo?" but like "Where's Jesus?" we can also do this in our lives and look for Him in everything. In the people, land, food, family, and scriptures. EVERYTHING. The Book of Mormon says just that, that there is evidence of Him in everything.
We also received the huge Preach My Gospel posters, in Spanish of course, so cool. but they have to stay in the apartment.
I will not be sending the package home. I will just put it in the offices with my name on it and take it home in 2012. That is easier and I don't have to pay for the package.
I am going to send letter though and something else....it is small but you will like it.
We went to Peta this weekend. It is about 30 minutes away. Then to Coyuca. We went to find less active families and see if we could reactivate them.
Well, not knowing any directions we got off the combi (picture attached) and started doing what we do best, following the spirit. The third house we knocked on I asked if they knew any Mormons. Two houses down they told us there was a family of them. So we went and as we were approaching the house we heard a pan fall and hit the ground. A woman came running to us. "Es un Milagro!" she screamed. Its a miracle. And really it was. The church we have was built a year ago, many people didn't know anything about it including this family. After the church was finished the houses of prayer didn't run anymore in their city. So they now know. But is it expensive for them to go, with five children all over three it is sixty pesos to church. Yeah, did I mention there are no jobs right now? There are not. The people ask if we know of anywhere to get jobs and we don't. It is sad that people cantt come to church. We found two more families by asking around. We will hopefully get some baptisms out of these families.
My talk went really well in church. I slowed down and talked so EVERYONE could hear me. (Hermana Chuchita gives me a hard time. I am working with her to improve my accent.)
So Elder Wake is going to the ugly part of Acapulco, he is training and district leader. Elder Lada is coming here. He is training too and was one of the assistants. He is also our new district leader here. All the areas in the mission are open. We are full to capacity.
I loved the pictures of Lacey's wedding. The dipping picture really made me laugh. In ward council yesterday we talked about the temple and the importance of going.
Elder Nelson and I might go to a wedding this weekend to see one of our investigators get married. I am getting really attached to this branch. I have been here for half of my mission and will turn 20 here. Weird. Everyone loves the pancakes I make, that is what we do now. We go over to peoples houses, make pancakes, eat pancakes and share messages. It is delicious and great. I am a happy camper.
So how was the beginning of school....are you children going to miss the boat?
I am....but hey I have the beach at my fingertips.
How is seminary? Who are your teachers?
Did anything weird happen to the school?
Well, I will have another update next week.
Love ya.
Elder Chadwick
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