Things were going slow for Sunday until after sacrement meeting. (ended at 9 A.M.) We then kicked it into gear and used every spare minute to study. Priesthood was great with a lesson on Joseph Smith and sharing scriptures.
Bro Brown interviewed me in the afternoon. He had me teach him the first lesson in two minutes. Then he asked me to start over and he talked. I testified of the Atonement and the second coming of the Savior. His wife is sick so I added some of the plan of salvation. After a few pointers I left satisfied with the way the interview went.
Then off to choir we went. (I just happened to sit next to the choir director during the temple session on Thursday and he took me through, he is a temple worker.) We sang a song by Gerald Lund and his wife. It was great. Then off to dinner.
At Devotional my companion and I sat on the third row from the stage. Tedd Gibbons was the main speaker. He was dressed in a vest and acted out the life of Willard Richards a close friend of Joseph Smith. It was awesome! He had a lot of details in his head. Down to the judges names and how he saw Joseph Smith die in jail. He recounted all of the night and day and week, yeah the whole life of Willard. We Sang "We thank thee oh God for a prophet" after and the spirit was so strong, almost everyone stood up. Put we were told not to unless invited to by the presiding authority. He did not stand. So we didn't. It was really hard to obey when all the missionaries were not. Then with a prayer it ended. I ended up shaking his hand and we started heading out, when we were almost out the door I heard a familiar voice. I turned around and there was Bro. Lamorux, Megans Dad.
After calming everyone down and starting the movie I ran up and talked with Bob(his wife) and him. They just got called to be in a branch presidency two weeks ago. It was so awesome to see them. I always shared scriptures and talked about the gospel when I was over at their house. I am excited to have another connection. After I talked to them I wrote a quick letter to Megan and gave it to them after the show. Then went back to the residence hall.
Elders Moody, Jensen, Scheffler, Barton were all leaving Monday morning. I got a hand me down tie from Elder Barton. This just so happens to be the same tie my host wore when he picked me up from my parents. (Nov. 17th) Elder Durrant. So the picture mom sent to me, the elder to the far right. I have his tie. Sweet.
Was a pretty standard day, alot of hard work and learning. We had a new tutor, she helped me out alot. I practice my spanish by putting pictures of Ammon and Moroni and other prophets on the wall and testify to them of the book of mormon etc.
Tuesday (The Most Epic Day)
So, to surprise all of you including my mother. My companion and I wrote a song and have been practicing for the past week. It is called, the best MTC Song in the World. Tribute. We had practiced it four times in the last week. Elder Oswald playing the guitar and me doing funny actions and making faces and singing along. Anyway, That day (Tuesday) at 10:45 we auditioned for the MTC Christmas Talent show. We stood in front of Sister Smith (President of the mtc's wife) and a older lady with a bull cut and 60 other sisters and elders and sang this Song Skit. It is about us walking down a road tracking, find an investigador in the middle of the road who asks us to play the best song ing the word to Save his Soul. So we go on to baptize him but further into the song it ended up being a TRC experience not a real word experience. It is awesome. Anyway, after we ended and Sister Smith stopped laughing and everyone else stopped clapping and laughing the bull cut lady came up and told us that she would see us at Sound Check on Friday afternoon and 2 o' clock. We shook their hands, and Sister Smith said to get a hair cut because of OUR SPECIAL GUEST that is coming (we now look really good with our new Missionary Hair cuts) as we headed out everyone high fived us and congratulated us. We are going to perform in the Talent Show Christmas day in front of 2,500+ Missionaries and Guests. Wow. This is going to be awesome and yeah, really scary. but it is okay, the Lord is definently on our side.
Then at dinner we saw the Bairds. That was cool because I just felt I needed to talk to them. Then the devotional was great. TRC was great that day too. Everyone was gone so my companion and I were investigators.
Wow again. This is probably the most I have typed in 30 minutes. Christmas is going to be great. I have a new best friend, Elder Larsen and so many others new to our zone. I will write more in my hand written letters. Remember, take the mas and put it before Christ and in spanish you have more Christ.
I love you all so much.
Love, Elder Chadwick
P.S. mom we only get the Ensign. Thanks for everything. I am being obediant.
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